To work in a graduate academic job profile, you must be currently enrolled in the university, be in good academic standing, be making satisfactory progress toward your graduate degree, and meet these additional requirements:. The following are some of the rules that apply to graduate students employed in student academic titles: All employees in undergraduate academic positions must be paid on an hourly basis.įor detailed information about graduate student academic employment, please see the Graduate School website. Your hiring department may impose further limits on hours of work for students it employs. During the summer session, semester breaks (between the day after graduation and the first day of the next semester’s classes), and spring break, you may work up to 40 hours per week, subject to child labor laws if you are under age 18 and, if you have a federal work-study award, subject to the university’s work-study policies. If you are assigned to an undergraduate academic job profile during the fall or spring semester, your total employment in any title at UT Austin may not exceed 20 hours per week. In addition, if you graduate at the end of the spring semester and were enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student for the spring semester, you may be employed in an undergraduate academic job until August 31 of the year you graduate. Graduating student employees may remain in their student jobs until the official end of the semester in which they graduate (May 31 for spring, August 31 for summer, January 15 for fall). If you have graduated and are no longer a student, you are not eligible to be employed in a undergraduate academic job profile, with the following exceptions: Please provide the student’s name, EID, and number of hours of enrollment. The hiring department should verify the student’s status and then contact the HR Student Employment Consultant or the Strategic Workforce Solutions Consultant for the department to request an exception. An exception to the 12-hour enrollment requirement is available for seniors who are on track to graduate during the current academic year and who need fewer than 12 hours per semester to graduate. For students admitted to UT Austin, University Extension semester-based courses count toward the enrollment requirements if the student is also enrolled in-residence that semester. You do not have to be enrolled during the summer. Have been enrolled during the previous spring semester in at least 12 semester credit hours. Be enrolled in at least 3 semester credit hours during any term of the summer session OR. To be eligible for summer employment, you must:. To be eligible for fall or spring semester employment, you must be enrolled in at least 12 semester credit hours for that semester. To work in an undergraduate academic job title, you must be admitted to the university, be in good academic standing, and meet these additional requirements:. The following guidelines apply to employment in the three undergraduate academic job profiles:
Undergraduate Student Academic Employment For an overview of the university’s limits on work hours in student positions, please see this summary. This chart provides an overview of the minimum enrollment requirements for student jobs. If you have questions about the assignment process, please contact the HR representative in the department where you work. Further information is available on the Student Employee Benefits page.
Students holding academic positions also may be eligible for certain benefits, including resident tuition entitlement and employee insurance benefits for graduate students in academic titles. The TRB replaces the Tuition Assistance Benefit for AIs and TAs and tuition remission for GRAs. The assistance amounts can vary based on the number of hours of the appointment and are paid on a semester basis. In addition, Assistant Instructors, and Teaching Assistants, and Graduate Research Assistants are eligible for a tuition reduction benefit (TRB) related to their student academic employment. The compensation rates for student academic titles are established each year by the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost. These are the Graduate Student Academic job profiles: These are the Undergraduate Student Academic job profiles: If your work for the university involves academic research, classroom or laboratory instructional or support duties, tutoring, or other duties that are academic in nature, you should be assigned to a student academic job profile.